Each model has its own benefits and drawbacks to consider. For example:
Cash: When you own your solar project, you have control over the equipment and can provide greater financial ROI in the long run, but you need to account for ongoing operations and maintenance (“O&M”) costs. Sunko Solar provides ongoing O&M services for its systems that can also be supplemented with a long-term Performance Guarantee (“PeGu”).
Lease: With a leased solar system, you, and third-party provider, or Sunko Solar takes care of maintenance and repairs, but the lease rentals are payable whether the equipment is optimally producing electricity or not.
PPA: Instead of renting the equipment, with a PPA you’re buying electricity. Instead of buying electricity from your utility, you are buying from the PPA financier. The PPA provides a locked-in price that protects you from volatile energy price changes, and if the system doesn’t produce energy, you don’t pay for it. But if the system doesn’t produce the expected output, you must purchase remaining electricity needs from the grid.
A high-quality system from a provider like Sunko Solar with a history of strong performance results is important for realizing the projected value of the system, even though the customer only pays for delivered energy.